Yesterday, much of SNE just missed out on what would have been a big snowstorm. The storm headed north last minute and gave SNH the heavy snow as we here in SNE got a rainy, snowy mix, accumulating no more than a coating to an inch or two. Parts of SNH came in with between 6-8" of heavy wet springtime snow. Today is a frigid mid-winter day with highs only getting to between 32-37 degrees this afternoon with a biting NW wind bringing down some flurries and wind chills down into the low 20's all day. We will wake up to a frigid morning tomorrow morning with many suburbs falling to between the lower and middle 10's, while urban centers stay in the low 20's. With less wind tomorrow, the mid 40's will feel a whole lot warmer than what the thermometer reads. Then we have a transition day on Monday with afternoon showers before the floodgates open Tuesday and we break in some sun and highs respond well into the 60's and even low 70's here in SNE. Winds will be screaming out of the SW to clear out coastal sections and keep away any cooling seabreeze, so I could see Boston being the hot spot with highs coming to between 70-75 degrees, believe it or not!! Talk about going from mid January to early June in only the matter of a couple of days!
We cool off later next week, but the damage will be done and all the snow will melt that had fallen yesterday. The warm temperatures on Tuesday should let more flowers and buds start to show on the trees come out and make it feel more like spring. What a way to welcome in April. More on this forecast tomorrow.
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