March came in with a bang yesterday with snow and wind, but today the sun is out and the wind is blowing, but it doesn't feel that bad and hey the sun doesn't go down until after half past 5. That ain't too bad. We had some melting snow today with highs getting around 40, but we will start to have bare spots in SNE tomorrow, especially eastern SNE as highs will rocket to the lower 50's, under partly cloudy skies. Then we need to talk about some rainfall. We see the rain move in Tuesday afternoon. The residual snow will stop the warm front from making it past NYC Tuesday afternoon, so most of the day will be in the upper 30's in interior SNE, while the south coast and Cape will see temperatures shoot up into the 50's by late evening. That warm air will erode the fog with a southerly wind Tuesday night in the Boston metro area and this will lead us to a warm and wet Wednesday with highs in the 50's, and mid 50's at that. Rainfall will come down very heavily for the first part of the day on Wednesday and when all is said and done, about 1-3" of rainfall will fall, totally obliterating the snowpack here in SNE. We will postpone the inevitable in NNE as there it will be a very cold rain that gets absorbed into the snowpack or it will be more snow added to the 'fire.' We'll save the problem for another day.
That storm passes through on Wednesday night and we return to seasonable weather on Thursday with highs in the mid 40's. We shoot up to the 50's for a one day stand on Friday with a clipper heading to our NW, which will allow for downsloping winds on Friday, which will shoot SNE into the 50's, while far NNE will see a couple inches of snow. Then we cool again by Saturday.
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