We cool off later next week, but the damage will be done and all the snow will melt that had fallen yesterday. The warm temperatures on Tuesday should let more flowers and buds start to show on the trees come out and make it feel more like spring. What a way to welcome in April. More on this forecast tomorrow.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Straight from Mid-Winter to Early June
We cool off later next week, but the damage will be done and all the snow will melt that had fallen yesterday. The warm temperatures on Tuesday should let more flowers and buds start to show on the trees come out and make it feel more like spring. What a way to welcome in April. More on this forecast tomorrow.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Winter's Last Hurrah
After this snow, we have a frigid Saturday with highs in the mid 30's with biting winds, making it feel more like the mid 20's all day. But we should warm up later next week and I think we could be pushing 60 degrees by midweek next week and we may be pushing 70 degrees by next weekend. Details to be determined. We always have to be weary of backdoor cold fronts and sea breezes this time of year.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A Quiet Week for Once
Thursday and Friday will be dry days with mostly sunny skies and moderating temperatures. The good news this week is that there will not be any extreme wind events like we have had to endure for the past several days, causing scattered intense damage to trees and power lines. None of that this week thankfully. Just a quiet regime, for now. More later this week.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Wednesday Morning Snow/Mix
Quiet Tuesday, Wild Wednesday
This weekend will feature mainly quiet conditions for the six state region, but it will be very chilly on both Saturday and Easter Sunday. Early morning services on Sunday will be mighty cold with temperatures in the 20's. Bundle up. Storm threats look minimal past Wednesday's storm, however. Dry and cold to round off the workweek and head into the weekend.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
A Short Work Week with Lots of Weather
Then we will have to deal with the rain. In fact, as clouds thicken on Tuesday afternoon and lower Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning, it may actually start as a brief period (2-4 hours) of snow that mixes with some sleet and gradually changes to rainfall in the BOS metro area by midmorning Wednesday. I don't think there will be any accumulation in the lower elevations, but I would not throw out the possibility that up to 1-2" of snowfall falls in the elevated areas of Northern Worcester County up through the Manadnocks in SW NH. Further north in the White Mountains and NW Maine, I wouldn't be surprised if 2-6" fell before any kind of changeover. After the changeover in the BOS metro area, we will see heavy rain through the mid afternoon hours. All said and done, I would expect 0.75" to 1.50" of RF through the entire event that comes to an end on Wednesday night in SNE. The rain may actually change back to snow in extreme northern VT and NH and NW ME as they get some upslope snows as the low departs through the GOM. An additional 2-5" of snow is possible after the change to rain. I would not be surprised if some come close to 6-10" of accumulative snowfall in the highest mountains once this comes to an end up there in NNE.
Then we welcome in Spring here at 1:48 AM with breaking clouds and mild temperatures with a gusty NW wind. Highs should get into the upper 40's to around 50 on Thurdsay before we start to see the cold air in Canada move back into the New England region and we cool down dramatically to end off the workweek, or start the weekend, on Good Friday. Highs on Saturday will struggle to get out of the 30's and we continue to stay chilly right on into Easter Sunday. Highs look to only be around 40 degrees for early Easter dinners and will be in the upper 20's to low 30's for early morning services. The egg hunt may be a little chilly as well. You may want to move it inside this year. That's what happens when we have early Easters in March.
That is all for now. After Wednesday's storm, it looks quiet going into Easter weekend, but weather likes to change quickly around here, so stay tuned for more updates and a snowfall map for the Wednesday storm that should be posted sometime tomorrow or Tuesday. (NNE)
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Weekend Storm a Miss; Bring on Spring!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Stormy Weekend?
Lastly, I should say that a few flakes will be falling from the sky. Expect some light snow falling in western Mass spreading east as it deposits a quick coating to 1/2" in some elevated areas of Worcester County. Closer to home, in eastern Mass, we will see some wet flakes to begin and then see the flakes switch to drops that will barely be enough to wet the pavement. By tomorrow afternoon, highs will be in the 40's, so no worries.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Overall, I think catastrophic flooding will remain low because the North will likely start out as snow and wintery mix on Friday night-Saturday AM, before transitioning to rain late AM, before switching back to accumulating snow later. Portions north of North Conway-Burlington-Bangor will likely see a net gain of snowfall this weekend with accumulations likely in the 6-10" range, with snow to ice to rain to snow; a nasty layer cake that will wreak havoc on roofs and backs shoveling. The disaster will be postponed to a later date.
Thereafter, we cool down and as soon as we get temperatures cold enough for some snow, there goes the storm every other day pattern and we go sunny dry and quiet with temperatures eventually moderating. We start off awfully chilly next week with highs in the 30's for Monday, but by midweek, we are already pushing 50 once again with a storm that looks to be stalling and heading to our west by late week, which should flood the East with warm air and rain once again by next weekend? You know the pattern by now.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Flooding Rains on the Way...
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Melting Snow
That storm passes through on Wednesday night and we return to seasonable weather on Thursday with highs in the mid 40's. We shoot up to the 50's for a one day stand on Friday with a clipper heading to our NW, which will allow for downsloping winds on Friday, which will shoot SNE into the 50's, while far NNE will see a couple inches of snow. Then we cool again by Saturday.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
A Bust for Many Last Night
A storm will cut to our west and we will see a rainstorm with very mild temperatures on Tuesday with rain moving into the area in the afternoon and becoming heavy later in the evening and nighttime. We could see areas pick up between 2-3" of rainfall in SNE, while the northern mountains of Maine will see over a foot of snow. Like they need it. Many spots in NNE picked up 8-14" with this last storm that busted in SNE this morning. Temperatures on Tuesday will push in the mid to perhaps upper 50's with maybe somebody nudging 60 degrees.
We will cool off on Wednesday, back into the 40's, but the damage will have already been done here in SNE and all the snow will be all but gone in our backyards. Later in the week, we have to watch a storm to our south that could come up the coast, but latest indicationns are that it will head just out to sea, barely grazing the South Coast. This will have to be monitored, but doesn't look like a major threat ATTM.
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