Further east we get to Worcester. From Worcester to just inside Route 128, this is where the "jackpot" for this storm will be. Precip will blossom on this area and snowfall could get locally heavy just in time for the morning commute. All said and done, a gloppy, 2-4" is likely, again with an isolated spot picking up 5". Someone N&W of Portsmouth, NH may wind up with closer to 6" of snow.
East of the "jackpot" zone, this is where it is tricky. I have moved it a tad to the east, but am still keeping the city of Boston on the line between the mix and the mostly rain to the SE. Here, you will likely start as snow, quickly turn to rain and may quickly turn back to snow just in time to get the last moderate to heavy band to go through with perhaps a coating to an inch. All said and done here, I put a general 1-2" of snow, but most of it will be washed away. SE of here, you don't have to worry about this one. All rain in the green area. Sorry.
The true "jackpot" with this storm will be northeast Maine, Downeast Maine, with perhaps as much as 10-18" of white gold. Much of Maine at this time from just inland of Portland to Caribou, including Bangor is under a Winter Storm Watch for possibly 6"+. Some will get much more than that and see near Blizzard conditions at the height of the storm. Enjoy it.
Bottom line, the snow moves in overnight in SNE around 1-3AM. It only lasts about six hours, but it could be an intense snow for about 2-3 of those hours, so stay tuned. Further north into NH and ME, expect the storm to move in late morning to early afternoon from south to north, but in northern Maine, the snow may continue into Saturday morning with near Blizzard conditions Friday night. Ski areas will do great with this one. I would not be surprised if one of the resorts picks up a quick 20" of powder out of this one. Again, enjoy it. I will.
More on the extended forecast, which stays extremely wintery with more chances of snow later.
ERIC- Its starting to snow in southern CT. Its been snowing in NYC. This initial batch looks to make it into MA by tonight.
ERIC- Right now 5:45PM in Woburn...temperature is 35.1 with dp in the lower 20's. Mostly cloudy.
ERIC- Hey everyone...time to report conditions.
6:00PM and 34.9 MST CLOUDY
Most of S CT will be rain.
ERIC- Nearing 7PM and there is a blip on my screen. Temp has risen to 36.5 degrees.
Are we going to be on the wrong side of the coastal front tonight here in Woburn?
Temp: 34.2
Conditions: Very Light Snow/Mix
.Light coating on the dirt
ERIC- What a bust!
Snow came down heavily around 10PM and then by 10:45PM, the rain started pounding down and thats it. A coating washed away.
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