The snow will come in like a wall later tonight and visibilities will fall to between 1/4 to 1/2 mile. Snowfall rates will be on the order of 1"/hr. So you get 6 hours of snow, expect snowfall to be around 5-6". Its a tough call, but by tomorrow morning, the rain will be falling hard in western New England and then pushing east. Where there is snow covering storm drains, there will certainly be street and poor drainage flooding in all of SNE. Rainfall on the order of 1-3" will be likely after the snowfall. It will be a horrible day tomorrow, a day where schools will have a tough decision whether or not to close. I would say that if snowfall adds up over 4" tonight in any given town and the changeover occurs after 3-4AM, schools will have to close because before the change to rain there will be a brief period of glaze and sleet on top of the snow. It will be a very slow morning. Best bet is a delay, but even that will be tough. Best bet is that north of the Pike should see many closings and south of the Pike will see 1-2 hour delays. That is what I would do, but I am no superintendent.
That's all for now. Next storm chance comes later this weekend.
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